Webbed Feet

Monday, May 14, 2007


This one is my favorite of all the pinatas that my students made. Obviously, its a parrot. GREAT JOB DT!!!
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Cinco de Mayo

I assigned pinatas as a culture project due at the end of the month...I had some that were fantastic, and others that were ok, and a disappointing number of "ghetto pinatas" that were thrown together at the last minute, which was mildly aggravating since the students were given over a month to work on them, but whatever. As part of my two-day "Cinco de Mayo" lesson we went outside and busted some pinatas, which, suprisingly enough went over pretty well. The kids were into it enough that even though we were outside, they behaved better outisde the classroom than in it. Yes, even my 5th period class could handle going outside. The main problem that I ran into was "pinata raiding." The kids knew that some of the pinatas had candy inside them and at some point during the day (I have no idea when) some of the pinatas were ransacked and destroyed leaving an empty shell and some candy wrappers on the ground. I was angry about it, but nothing compared to the students whose pinatas were destroyed.

The second day of the lesson was, in my opinion, more interesting...yeah, not so much for the kids. They didn't have too much interest in General Ignacio Zaragosa or Napolean III, but oh well. If YouTube weren't banned at my school, this would have been a much better lesson for them...maybe.